What Is the Weather?

The weather forecast predicts what the atmosphere will look like at a specific location using technology and scientific knowledge to make weather observations. In other words, it’s a way to predict things like cloud cover, rain, snow, wind speed, and temperature before they happen.

Weather Forecast Tools

Meteorologists use all possible tools to achieve this goal. For example, we have instruments called barometers to measure atmospheric pressure, radars to estimate the location and speed of clouds, thermometers to measure fever, and computer models for processing the data collected by these instruments. However, to date, experienced humans are still better at predicting the weather than computer models alone, as humans often choose the most appropriate model for a situation.

We can mainly predict the weather by looking at current weather conditions, tracking the movement of air and clouds across the sky, finding past weather patterns that resemble current ones, looking at barometric pressure changes, and running computer models.

Types Of Weather Forecasts

There are four main types of weather forecasts that we will discuss in this lesson: short-range, medium-range. And long-range forecasts of hazardous weather conditions.

Short-term prediction are predictions made one to seven days before they happen. Medium-term forecasts are use made one to four weeks in advance. Long-term projections are made  a month and a year in advance. The further out your arms, the harder it is, to be sure. Longer-range forecasts are only meaningful if the forecaster indicates the likelihood that they think the estimates will be accurate. It is call the confidence level. For example, a forecaster can predict rain next Tuesday with a confidence level of 90%. So, short-term forecasts are much more accurate than medium- or long-term forecasts.

See The Weather Forecast

In this activity, students watch the weather forecast every day for a week. And record details about the type of vocabulary they hear and the weather. Students should follow the instructions below when observing the weather each day and documenting their results on the map. Then answer the discussion questions and reflect on the observed weather forecast. Students must have access to a television news network or the Internet to complete this activity.

Weather Prediction

Weather forecasting is the request of current science and technology. To predict the state of the atmosphere at a future time and place.

It forecast are made by gathering as much data as possible about the current state of the atmosphere (mainly temperature, humidity and wind)  use an understand of atmospheric process (through meteorology) to control how the atmosphere will evolve in the future.

However, the chaotic nature of the atmosphere and the incomplete understanding of the processes mean that predictions become less accurate as of the prediction range increases.

Conventional surface observations of atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity and precipitation are routinely collect by trained observers, automated weather stations or buoys.

In data assimilation, the information obtained from the observations is use together with the most recent forecast. From a numerical model for the observation period to create the weather analysis.

Numerical weather prediction models are computer simulations of the atmosphere.

You take analysis as your starting point and develop the state of the atmosphere over time through an understanding of physics and fluid dynamics.

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